Leviticus - Guest Speaker: Trevor Trokey (1/7/24)
"I Did Not Come to Judge" (1/14/24)
"Why Are You Waiting?" (1/21/24)
"Be Filled with the Spirit" (1/28/24)
"If Your Brother Sins Against You" (2/4/24)
"Shall We Not Accept Adversity?" (2/11/24)
"When You Fast" (2/18/24)
"They Shall Speak with New Tongues" (2/25/24)
"Rise Up and Build" (3/3/24)
"The Doctrine of Baptisms" (3/10/24)
"We Are of God" (3/17/24)
Angels Teach Us (3/24/24)
"In Vain They Worship Me" (3/31/24)
"The True Worshipers" (4/7/24)
The Error of the Sinner's Prayer (4/14/24)
"Having Favor" (4/28/24)
What Kids Need from Their Parents (5/5/24)
"Rise Up and Call Her Blessed" - The Proverbs 31 Woman (5/12/24)
How Best to Win Souls - David Watts Jr. (5/19/24)
Saved Like the Thief (5/26/24)
Saved Like the Sorcerer (6/9/24)
"A Blameless and Upright Man" - The Job 31 Man (6/16/24)
Saved Like the Persecutor (6/23/24)
"Christ Also Suffered" (6/30/24)
1 to 3,000 or 3,000 to 1 (7/7/24)
When Jesus Died - Guest Speaker: Alton Bailey (7/10/24)
Five Great Facts of Life - Guest Speaker: Alton Bailey (7/11/24)
Daniel's Decisions (7/14/24)
The Watchtower Built on Sand (7/21/24)
Contradictions Between the Book of Mormon and Scripture (7/28/24)
David in the Valley of Elah (8/4/24)
"The People Gathered Together as One Man" (8/11/24)
Entering the Kingdom (8/18/24)
"Can Faith Save Him?" (8/25/24)
The Sense of Heaven (9/1/24)
The Sense of Hell (9/8/24)
The Sense of the Passion (9/15/24)
Divine Principles of Civil Governance (9/22/24)
"You Have Slain My Children" (9/29/24)
From the Manger to the Cross -- Parallels in Christ's Birth and Death (10/2/24)
Prophet, Priest, and King (10/6/24)
A Samaritan Woman's Impression of Jesus (10/13/24)
"Casting Down Arguments" - Logical Fallacies Exposed (10/20/24)
"Casting All Your Cares Upon Him" (10/27/24)
Casting Crowns (11/3/24)
Casting Nets (11/10/24)
Casting Pearls (11/17/24)
Casting Stones (11/24/24)
"Little Faith" (12/1/24)
"Great Faith" (12/8/24)
"Add to Your Faith" (12/15/24)
"For This Cause I Was Born" (12/22/24)
"Commit Your Works to Jehovah" (12/29/24)